
  • Hineni means Here I am

    Hineni (pronounced hee- nay-nee) Here I am. In the Hebrew Bible, the word hineni is used by people when they respond to a direct call from God.  Hi...
  • BIOLA Lent Devotional

    2022 Lent ProjectDevotionalWHEN Tuesday, March 1 – Saturday, April 23LOCATION Online Join the CCCA’s annual Lent Project, an online resource ...
  • What is the Enneagram tool

    The Enneagram (from the Greek: Ennea=9, Gram=Diagram) is simply a tool like a map or a GPS used for self-discovery, transformation and personal growth based on 9 basic personality types.

    We are all created with 3 centers of intelligence: the Head, the Heart & the Gut.

    • The Head or thinking center is used for gathering & sorting information and for analyzing & making plans.
    • The Heart or feeling/emotional center acknowledges feelings- ours and others and we are aware of needs & agendas.
    • The Gut or doing center houses instincts and impulses and is used for accomplishing and pleasure seeking.