What to Expect during a Christian Retreat

What to Expect During a Christian Retreat

There are many reasons why we decide to go on retreat.

  • Life is crazy and I need to regroup, unplug and rest.
  • Someone I know said a retreat changed their life and I’m interested in changing mine.
  • I’ve grown distant from God and want to return and reconnect spiritually.
  • I long for some intentional community and connection with other believers.

A Christian retreat can offer a peaceful environment for all of those reasons and most provide sacred safe spaces to nourish your soul.

If you've never been on a Christian retreat, you may be unsure of what to expect or where to go for recommendations of one that suits your needs. 

Who Attends? Christian retreats can be designated for specific groups of people organized by age, marital status, personal growth or intention for knowledge. Retreats are typically open to everyone, but be sure to read the description to make sure you will fit in. Hineni Gathering retreats are for women of all ages from all walks of life. All are invited to gather in a sacred space that is safe for the soul we call a circle of trust.

What is the format? Silent retreats sound scary to some and heavenly to others as they offer intense spiritual re-connectivity but not if you don’t know how to use the ‘silence’ to be still and know that He is God. When looking for a retreat, make sure you are comfortable with the purpose of the retreat so that it fits your needs. The Hineni Taste & See retreat is a helpful introduction to Christian Contemplative Spirituality and prayer practices. Drawing from the Christian contemplative tradition, retreatants explore the history & methodology of these abiding practices: Contemplative Reflection, Lectio Divina, Breath Prayer, Centering Prayer, the Examen, Imaginative Prayer, Body Prayer and Prayer Walking, Welcoming Prayer, Loving Kindness meditation, and the tool of the Enneagram. Our format is to teach the prayer practice then we pray, journal and witness in what we call ‘Alone & Together’ prayer sessions we call ‘sits.’ Within the community of a prayer sit we allow space for God to continue to speak through His beloved people after He has first spoken to our souls through prayer and journaling.

Where the retreat is held matters. One thing you can definitely expect from any Christian retreat is an opportunity to experience the stillness and solitude found in silence most often near nature. Retreats in quiet areas near woods, mountains and lakes help us reconnect with our creator. Going to a retreat in a beautiful place makes it easier to leave your stress behind and unplug. Hineni Gathering Retreats are held at the Watchtower Ranch on almost 1000 beautiful acres that include walking trails, prayer gardens, hills and water, wildflowers, birds and livestock, rocking chairs on wide open porches, and a chapel filled with music and creative resources. Being in a rural environment can make it easier to connect with nature and build your relationship with God and having your own bedroom and bath provides an extra special safe space to restore your soul. The ranch house provides sweet nooks inside as well in a garden room and library.

A Typical Day at a Hineni Gathering Retreat

Friday afternoon arrival gathers around a cheese and charcuterie board as we introduce ourselves. We have three prayer sits, a taco feast and time for worship and star gazing. Saturday morning is done your way. We do not get you up early so you can rise at your pace. Join others for breakfast or sleep in. Our first session begins at 9am and we continue the morning with a prayer walk before lunch. Saturday afternoon we spend working with the tool of the enneagram. This is the ‘sexy’ part of the retreat that people love because it’s all about who they’re created to be and finding their personality type helps them to discover the best prayer practice for how they are wired. We end the day with dinner, prayer and worship. Sunday morning many greet the magnificent sunrise found at the Ranch then enjoy two prayer ‘sits’, porch sitting or a nature walk and the gift of fellowship.

A balance of alone and together, structure and free time. You can use the calmness of the retreat to unplug and recenter.  You may have never done this before and it may seem strange at first, but the power of God's word speaks loudly when we're quiet and seeking His voice and presence. Ask God and yourself questions. Find out what you truly need and how to be intentional to find it and listen for God’s answer. If you have a decision or something new is about to begin, you can use the time to ask God for guidance on your future. Whatever you're seeking from a Christian retreat, God will be there to help you.

Returning Home After a Christian Retreat. It may be hard for you to return home after experiencing the silence of a retreat and a community of love from likeminded people. You may feel like a new person or be tempted to jump right back into the swing of things, but it's important to take it slow. Remember the peace that you felt on your retreat and carry that with you. Hineni believes its very important we don’t leave you at the gate of the Ranch. For the next 8 weeks we meet you on ZOOM video conferencing to have a weekly prayer ‘sit’ and revisit the prayer practices you learned while on retreat.

After a Christian retreat, you will experience peace so take the opportunity to engage in prayer as a daily practice. Practice prayer when you feel stressed. Remember what you learned at your stay at the Ranch.  Allow new time for self-reflection in your everyday life to be more connected with God. After a Hineni Gathering Retreat our prayer is that retreatants leave with a greater love of Christ, a deeper understanding of their call and how to integrate their inner life of contemplation with their outer life of service as they move forward more centered in Christ and grounded in their identity in Him.