The Taste & See Retreat Description

The Taste & See Gathering retreat is a helpful introduction for people who are new to Christian contemplative spirituality. But whether you are a beginner or have been on the contemplative path for a while, this retreat provides a sacred space to nourish the soul as it provides a sampling of several contemplative prayer practices to draw from. Experienced contemplatives know that we always remain a novice pilgrim in the unfolding path of seeking a deeper relationship with Christ.

Drawing from the Christian contemplative tradition, retreatants are given the opportunity to Taste & See as they explore the history & methodology of these abiding practices: Contemplative Reflection, Lectio Divina, Breath Prayer, Centering Prayer, the Examen, Imaginative Prayer, Body Prayer and Prayer Walking, Welcoming Prayer, Loving Kindness meditation, and the tool of the Enneagram.

The name Enneagram comes from the Greek: Ennea is the Greek word for nine and Gramma means something that’s drawn or written like a chart. According to the Enneagram, every personality has a certain way it looks at the world through a lens or filter and adapts and responds to both stressful and supportive situations. The Enneagram tool gives opportunities for personal development and provides a foundation for the understanding of others.

Praying alone and together on retreat we practice solitary soul work that cannot be done alone. Retreatants are given the opportunity to journal, witness of their experiences from each contemplative prayer practice and discover new implications for daily life and faith as they Taste & See that the Lord is good.

The Taste & See Gathering retreats give participants the opportunity to detach from hectic and fragmented lives and rest in a sacred safe space as they engage in small doses of solitude, silence and stillness, within a supportive Christian community. Held at the Hi Point Ranch in Desdemona, Texas, each retreatant has their own bedroom to make your weekend a true retreat. With many cozy alcoves inside for reflecting, a chapel and 1000 beautiful acres outside to explore, along with delicious meals and soulful worship there is something to be found for everyone.

During the weekend, Retreatants Taste the possibility of being contemplative and See how different prayer practices can enrich their spiritual lives and bring greater transformation and infused passion for service.

After a Hineni Gathering Retreat our prayer is that retreatants leave with a greater love of Christ, a deeper understanding of their call and how to integrate their inner life of contemplation with their outer life of service as they move forward more centered in Christ and grounded in their identity in Him.

 Register for a retreat here.

hineni gathering retreats teach contemplative prayer practices & enneagram